About Me

Who is Ayla Vaughan?

My name is Ayla Vaughan and I’m a third year journalism student at London South Bank University. On this website you can explore my written and visual work, such as opinion pieces and local news. Learn all about me through my work. My many interests include politics, history, books, fashion, motorsports, K-pop, K-dramas, movies, TV shows and Youtube. I have lived in multiple countries and travelled around the world. Therefore, I have widened my world view through the exploration of contrasting cultures and societies.

What does journalism mean to me?

Journalism has always intrigued me due to the power of information in our world. In the 21st century, media has become a vital part of this generation. The reason for this is that globalisation has meant that we are more interconnected than ever. Therefore, I would love to follow the words of Leo Tolstoy, who said: “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” I hope to present to the public inquisitive and intriguing reports on various, unheard aspects of society. In addition, my main goal is to change people’s prejudices. What I value most is the exploration of topics and fascinating interviews. Most importantly, my ambition is to become an individual who can uncover and share contemporary issues.

News spelled on brown wooden scrabble tiles in black behind a stack of black and white newspapers

News. Credit to pxhere

My experience with journalism so far

I first pursued my interest in journalism by writing a report during the National Citizenship Service. I wrote it about our journey in the first two weeks. Moreover, volunteering in Rwanda in 2020 was a first-hand experience of another culture as well as a chance to help less fortunate children and pregnant women. My charity work there helped me realise how a story about my experience could bring more awareness to the charity. This supports Tolstoy’s quote as I have changed myself, by helping support the community. Similarly, Jane Goodall said: “The least I can do is speak out for those who cannot speak for themselves.”