Why Lorelai Gilmore was ahead of her time… Lauren Graham I love you

Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, via Pinterest.

If anyone isn’t familiar with my all-time favourite fictional character, Lorelai Gilmore, where have you been? 

Lorelai Gilmore, via Pinterest.

Lorelai Gilmore, who is played by Lauren Graham, is a 30 something year old character who shares an Inn with her best friend Sookie St. James.

Much to Lorelai’s parents’ annoyance, she got pregnant at sixteen and had Rory, who is named after her mother of course, as Lorelai was lying in the hospital she thought about “how men name boys after themselves all the time, so she thought why couldn’t women?”

Rory is a teenage girl and an aspiring journalist who discovers boykind on her journey to success.

Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, via Pinterest.

Just like Rory, Lorelai constantly has a new man chasing after her and often relies on her best friend Luke Danes for his help on caffeinating those early starts in his diner and for his help with most of the inconveniences in her life to be honest.


Lorelai was an icon back in the early 2000s and still embodies today’s fashion trends just as well as she did back then…

2020 saw the revival of the early 2000s clothing trends which obviously meant that Lorelai Gilmore would return to her throne as the queen of the 2000s fashion.

Lorelai Gilmore, via Pinterest.


The first outfit that any modern day fashionista would die for has to be, the iconic asymmetric patterned button up shirt.

Lorelai is known for her love of a button up, whether she’s wearing it to a busy day at the Inn or if she’s window shopping with Rory, so it is not a shock that she would be known for her wardrobe full of vintage shirts.

The young generation of Depop girls hunt for vintage shirts like Lorelai’s daily, and I think I will be joining them on the hunt as the colours in the shirt contrast each other perfectly to look sophisticated and put together but also show her bubbling personality.

Lorelai and Rory Gilmore, via Pinterest.

It could also be argued that Lorelai Gilmore invented the casual leather blazer look.

In the early 2000s and now again in the 2020s a leather blazer is an essential, and I believe that Lorelai Gilmore is the reason why they are such a basic in any wardrobe today.

I remember as a child always wondering why my mum wouldn’t leave the house unless she was wearing her brown leather blazer and now I look back thinking she was a genius and was certainly taking a page out of Lorelai’s book.

A leather blazer works brilliantly for a classic neutral toned autumnal look like Lorelai or paired with blue jeans and a nice halter neck for going out with the girls on a friday!

Thank you Lauren Graham for pulling off a leather blazer so well that I now too, cannot leave the house without one.


Lorelai Gilmore, via Pinterest.

Another brilliant marker of 2000s fashion that can be seen through the Gilmore Girls wardrobe, is the many zip up hoodies and a graphic tees that are sprinkled throughout the seasons.

Zip-up hoodies made their quick return last summer as the Y2K aesthetic stumbled upon TikTok and within weeks anyone that was on the fashion side of TikTok was either wearing or on the hunt for the perfect summer zip-up hoodie.

Lorelai is the blueprint for the Y2K aesthetic nowadays so of course she would have sported a few in her time.

Lorelai Gilmore, via Pinterest.


Loralie saw the rise of the 2000s muscle vests and we too are now witnessing the second wave, as graphic screen printed vests have been forecasted to be a huge trend for this hot girl summer.

The trend started a couple of months ago when a university student started selling screen-printed ‘GIRLS’ muscle vests on Depop (@gracemiller2001) she quickly blew up on TikTok and now they are everywhere.

Lauren Graham pulls off the graphic vest so well that maybe she can be the exception to my sour opinions of muscle vests (just this once).


In the early seasons of Gilmore Girls, Lorelai could be spotted wearing a bandana for mundane tasks like clearing out her fridge and going for a coffee break at Luke’s.

Lorelai Gilmore, via Pinterest.

Whether Lorelai wore the headscarves as an actual fashion statement or to just annoy Emily Gilmore and Michelle as they certainly would rather be seen dead than in a bandana, the fashion choice is still up to debate.

Unfortunately, head scarves have been back in fashion for a while now and it just further proves my point that Lorelai Gilmore was ahead of her time in fashion.

I know for a fact that if Gilmore Girls repremiered again today, the fashion side of TikTok would die to have a look inside of Lorelai’s wardrobe.


About the Author

Morgan Fotheringham
Student journalist as London South Bank University.