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On Mondays lecture we explored what makes a good interview. Taking notes from a BBC Academy clip and throughout the lecture, these are key things I noted what make a good interview:

Always research: if not then the interviewee will be alienated and maybe offended – also irrelevant questions may be asked which leads to the downfall of an interview.

To know what you want out of the interview hence noting certain questions down in attempts to get a certain response.

Use open questions as closed questions lead to shorter answers making it harder to expand on.

Find someone who is emotionally engaged with the subject and someone who takes responsibility: e.g. a company admits what has gone wrong when they fire employees incorrectly.

We also learned how to prepare and plan an interview with 3 steps: Preparation, getting to the interview and being in the actual interview. We learned tips for each step; to prepare it is important to research, decide the angle and focus of the story and decide what the interviewee’s role is in said story. While getting there it is important to be organised and be punctual. During the interview it is important not to limit questions, ask unique questions and give the person the oppurtunity to add things.

On Tuesday we learned how to transcribe audio and how to construct a script for audio: it is important to time how long each segment is, who is involved, what audio and sound is used and when to narrate etc. Below are the tasks we completed after listening to sound clips on Soundcloud – our group did not split up to listen out for certain elements and attempted doing all of them ourselves. After we transcribed one of said audio clips to practise our script writing.

Task 1:

  1. Football commentary for Rashford in start, narrator over, intro, Rashford intro , kitchen clinks – natural sound, no child should go hungry, witness opinions throughout – similar words  , expert opinion = Steve Barclay treasury politician – at the end.
  2. Gillian Keane minister for apprenticeships and skills. Ruth timeline of struggle and getting a new job in care.
  3. Driving home for Christmas – Christmas song, interview about Christmas Day, witness with lockdown and having a job, 
  4. Sound bed, Michelle roberts health reporter Q+A about vaccine 
  5. Upbeat sound bed, witnesses of harsh working conditions in factories, no sound bed when describing conditions. Amy Byrne labour behind the label, shoppers. Questions and answers, narrative of how its been a problem. Rachel Stonehouse presenter.

Task 2:

Rashford Script.


Guests: Alison from Salford, Mark from Newcastle, Chloe with Turn up co.

Down the line:

Intro: {0:21}

Teaser clip – football commentary of Rashford scoring a goal

“Marcus Rashford’s focus isn’t just on scoring goals anymore”

“His plan for free meals for the poorest children in England during half-term may have been rejected by the government but he’s not giving up”

Clip of Rashford’s reaction:

Rashford: “They’ve definitely not been through it themselves, for me it’s I’ll take that all day long as long as we start to see improvements going forward”

Local Supporters: {1:14}

“And judging by all the restaurants and cafes who’s been retweeting all day, others feel the same”

Natural sound of cafe clinks 

Teaser Clip – Alison in Cafe

Alison runs a brewery in Salford, Monday to Friday next week she’ll be packing up free lunches, she’s from a big family of seven brothers and four sisters, so this is personal.

Alison’s experience

Loads of places are inspired by the strikers campaign like Mark in Newcastle who’s opening up their local football club next week. Their ad says no child should go hungry, no judgement, no questions, just get in touch.

Teaser clip – Mark packing lunch

Same story over in Manchester, where sandwiches, crisps and fresh fruits on offer.

Teaser clip – Chloe Turn up food co.

Chloe and her team wanted to get involved.

Chloe’s opinion

Government response {0:25}

The campaign did force a government u-turn to offer free meals during the summer in England, you got a supermarket voucher or headed to a holiday club, but this time politicians aren’t persuaded, they say they’re already looking after those in need.

Teaser clip – Steve Barclay

Steve Barclays from the treasury 

Steve’s response

Outro {0:22}

In Wales and Scotland they’ll be free meals til next easter, in northern Ireland over this half-term, so there’s pressure on England. Birmingham, Staffordshire, Kensington and Chelsea local authorities have promised to provide vouchers. For some it’s the only way.

Teaser clip – family giving other families packed lunches 

On Wednesday we had a general overview about how things are going in which I clarified what my assignment would be on – which is the effect of gym closures on health in my area.

After this lesson I began to start my plan for my assignment.