Eighteen and starting to travel the world

Today I am bringing to you an interview with a local eighteen year old, Millie Knight. She has recently started travelling going to country to country in small steps. She only finished school 7 months ago and she decided to spend some time travelling after being inspired by her older sister.

 So I’ve heard you like to travel around the world. Do you enjoy it and is there anywhere specific that you really loved?

So I’ve been travelling for quite a while now, so I’ve been to America and did a lot of the coast so that included Beverly Hills, Santa Monica, Santa Barbra. I’ve also been to Canada recently in Whistler with my family as this is where I learnt to ski. I then continued on to Africa but that was with a couple month gap which was really something different.

In Africa you said it’s something different can you elaborate how the experience was different compared to somewhere like Canada?

It’s different because you see how lucky we are as people because in their country they are literally scrambling for money and it’s scary because it’s a completely different environment compared to here. The main aspect of the trip was going on a safari and going to see all the animals but they treat you like royalty and really really respect you and there’s not anything more they could do for you while you’re there.

You also mentioned something about skiing. How long have you been skiing for and is there a holiday coming up?

I do have a holiday actually in a couple of months, in March only for like four days but still. I’ve been skiing for quite a while and I’ve gone a couple of times with my previous school and with my family. I really enjoy it and it’s something that I try to do maybe once a year or once every couple of years. Its definitely something that I will continue on until I’m older.

 Is there anything you would advise to people that would want to start travelling?

So travelling.. I would suggest potentially not going with a boyfriend or girlfriend I suggest travelling with friends or even my sister,  she travelled by herself and met loads of new friends that she is still very close with now. So if you’re travelling sometimes I would suggest even going out to a country and then book something spontaneous for your next country so that you don’t even know what you’re planning to do next. Overall when you travel the best option is to do things that keep you active and just to have a good time and to be happy.